Why are people so crazy over Korean dramas?



What is it about Korean drama that makes it so addicting and compelling to watch? Aren’t Korean dramas for teenagers? You are an adult, why watch ‘fairy-tales’?  These are the questions that haunt me every single time someone knows about my love for Kdrama.  While I can’t speak for everyone in the entire world, I can only speak for myself.  Hate it or love it, these are the reason(s) why I love Kdramas.

First let me start by telling you my very first introduction to the kdrama world. The first kdrama I saw was, believe it or not, Stairway to Heaven.


Yes, this tear-jerker and oh so sad drama, was my very first kdrama introduction, which opened Pandora’s box for me! (in a good way) Stairway to Heaven came out in 2003, I believe. I did not watch it then, I saw it two years later after its release and no, this was not my very first time I had ever heard of South Korea or was interested in anything ‘Korean.’

Actually, my very first boyfriend, which lasted several years until our second year of College, was from South Korea. We met in 9th grade and he sat next to me in health class.  It’s a very funny story. We will call him Jun, he sat next to me and never spoke a word to me, until the day the teacher announced we had to get ourselves partners for a project in which we had to pretend to be married and deal with daily life issues. Wait…now that I think about it, what was  the school thinking?? I cannot recall why this was on the lesson plan, it was health class!! je je Anyway, he asked, no.. excuse me, he told me I was his partner for this project. He said,”We are going to be partners and we are married. I will be working and you will take care of the home.” Those were his first words to me. No, “Hello, I’m Jun. Can we be partners?” Nope! He just went for it ja ja ja but I am getting off topic again.  So, yes, Stairway to Heaven was my very first kdrama and then Boys over Flowers. [cue: Entrance]


I am not a big fan of High school kdramas, mostly because I can no longer relate. Though, there are some exceptions for example, Shut up Flower Boy Band and others I can’t think of right this moment. Then came, Coffee Prince, my favorite kdrama of all time. No, of course it’s not because of the coffee…..maybe…no really. Then I saw, You’re beautiful and so forth. You get the idea.

For me, it was the following key ingredients that made me so addicted to these dramas:

tumblr_n2h2ytP2631rmugyzo2_2501– The innocence of the dramas. The majority of K-Dramas are G-rated and very clean compared to American movies and television. Foul language is rare, violence is minimal, and love scenes rarely progress past kissing. Here in the US, dramas, movies, and shows alike tend to be extremely sexual and a bit vulgar at times (most of the time); and while I understand we live in this “kind of world.’ To me, these kdramas, remind me of the time where holding hands was a big deal and a kiss on the cheek was mind blowing. Granted I am thirty, but I don’t consider myself to be ‘that’ old. Sadly, the world the younglings (teenagers) live in nowadays are beyond sexual and innocence is scarce.


Kdrama brings back those feelings to me again. It may not be real. It may be make-believe. It’s exaggerating and comical to some, but the truth is, I lived it.  Some of us lived it. A time where these small but oh-so significant were a big deal.


2-Diffewleqfkrent and length.Korean dramas are different from the programming available here in the US. It’s not the same old stale, predictable plots that have been recycled for seasons. The plots, types of characters, and even the settings in K-dramas feel new and different and, therefore, more exciting.


3-Culture and Food. It’s educational. It may not all be true, but for the most part, I’ve found that you can learn a lot from watching.  Watching dramas lets you absorb information about the culture. You learn about different societal norms by watching the day to day life of the characters. Try it. Watch one Korean drama and you will understand that shoes are taken off at the door without anyone needing to tell you. You learn about their way of speech, and how respect is grand. ramyun12-00272

Food. The Kimchi…oh the bloody Kimchi. So delicious and spicy and did I say, delicious? It’s hard to watch a drama and not get cravings for ramen. Nearly every episode features delicious-looking dishes like rolled up eggs, hearty soups, and grilled steak. I want some ramen now…yum!


anigif_enhanced-10002-1394568981-214- Memorable moments. Korean dramas successfully create emotional connections with viewers. Characters are developed and brought through trials and tribulations in such a way that the audience relates to the characters and feels the same emotions. The cliff hanger endings of nearly every episode leave viewers squirming till the next episode can resolve the conflict. The tension is built up so expertly that it is more emotionally resonant when the main couple finally hold hands halfway through the series than when a full-blown bedroom scene happens in an American series. And the crying… oh the crying… you won’t stop.

These are my top key ingredients and reasons. I can’t write all them, this would be a never ending blog post!

Now, Why do you love kdramas? What was your first introduction to the kdrama world?

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