Have Coffee With Me!–Let’s chit-chat

Welcome and Thank you for visiting! This site is being updated daily, so bare with me!


This blog is dedicated to us.  The noonas (Nu-na, unnies).  But what do you mean”noona'(nu-na)? If you are new to Korean Culture, here is a brief explanation:

Noona (Nu-na)  (누나) = Older female (to males)

Unnie (언니) = Older female (to females)

This term is used within the Korean culture. The cultural issue of “respecting someone because they are older than you.” It creates “vertical relationships.” Respect for elders and an older person looking out for the younger person aspect of the Korean culture is something that I really love.  It can be abused as well, but in general, I love the concept of these “vertical relationships.” It creates an instant connection when  someone says unni or oppa.

But do not go up to a Korean person and start calling them noona or oppa, if you are a non-korean. These terms are generally used within Koreans and very rarely with non-Koreans. Unless you have build close relationships with them, do not start using these terms…yet.


So, why this blog? Well, what I hope to do with this blog is bring us, noonas in hiding, together and share our love for Korean dramas and culture.  Why “noonas in hiding?” Well, I call ourselves this because for years since the beginning of time….Ok, not really that long, but for many years as my love for Korean dramas and culture grew. I also noticed that the fans of these Korean dramas, were young-lings (teenagers). Yes, I called them young-lings. Never did I encounter other professionals like myself, who loved and enjoyed Kdramas and it’s culture as much as I did (other than my mother and sister) There were very few on the web, but not so interested in Korean drama. Even to this day, I see very few of us sharing our interested and love for kdramas.


Perhaps, many fear being called out and labeled as “fan girl” or “fanatics”, or maybe others prefer to keep it as their little secret addiction, and that is OK. For years, I did the same until about 2 years ago when I decided I no longer wanted to hide my love and interest for kdramas and Korean culture. I told myself, ” I am a working professional, a grown women who enjoys to watch kdramas in her down time, and that is OK.” I went to school, graduated in the University, got myself a great job as an illustrator and I think I am entitled to watch some Kdramas if I want to and you can too! It doesn’t mean we are fan girls, we are not teenagers anymore, but we enjoy a good show, just like everyone else.

Here I will share my interest with current Kdramas, Korean culture, food, travel, etc.. and I wish for you to share them with me as well.

I am currently watching Blood and Sensory Couple.


What shows are you watching?



6 thoughts on “Have Coffee With Me!–Let’s chit-chat

  1. Hi there chinggu!!! I so agree with everything you said. Lets make KDrama watching more fun now! Im glad and excited to meet others noonas (like myself) out there. Lets unite and support kdrama! Hahah… I think i’ve gone overboard. Lol. Anyways right now I’m finishing out Liar Game (i’ve come across it before but made a pass but then i read somewhere that its really interesting so now im catching up on it) and Blood (I’ve waited till the drama is almost done before i watch it. Sometimes having to wait weekly for new episodes to come is really hard so i just avoid to prolong the agony. Haha)

    I’m Ellie btw. Panggap sumnida(nice to meet you) ^^ I’m 25, definitely a kdrama and kpop lover 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Annyeonghaseyo, Ellie. I am so glad to meet you (via web) je je Thank you for visiting my blog. I am terribly sorry for the incomplete blog, but I am working on getting it all nice and organized 🙂 How is Liar Game? I don’t think I have heard it or maybe I have. I can’t remember, I’ve seen sooo many! i completely understand about waiting for the episodes. I try my best to wait because I hate watching one episode at a time! I want to know what happens next! But…we must wait..

      Talk to you soon!


      1. Liar Game was adopted from a japanese drama (same title). It was about a game show created to test people on what decisions they’re going to make if they have money, millions btw, on their hands. It has something to do with a secret society/company manipulating the show. But i haven’t finished it yet so i can’t say much. The games were brilliant. Not so much of a romance drama but i think its good.

        Me too, i wait till i accumulate more than half if the number of total eps before i watch unless its really a great drama like its okay its love:)


  2. Wow this is so cool, your blog, I had started one in the area of K-drama, Kpop, but been away from it for about 5 years now. so I have to revamp my blog.. Well I’am not in hiding but I miss spazzing with others about k-drama’s. Which brought me to your blog. So currently i’m watching Angry MOM, and Sensory Couple. I stop Blood at ep 5 not sure if I’m going to start back up with it yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. annyeonghaseyo! Thank you for visiting my not so finished blog je je I am working on organizing my blog so stay tuned and visit. I’ve hear of Angry Mom and Ive been wanting to watch it, but I am currently watching Blood and Sensory Couple. I like to stick with 2 at a time, though rather hard. Otherwise, I feel like I am missing things je je
      You should definitely keep watching Blood. I thought the same about giving up, but give it a chance. It is not the best acting but its entertaining.

      Talk to you soon!

      Liked by 1 person

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